Thursday, July 31, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday afternoon levity

For your amusement: an excellent existential comic, it shows what not to wish for on the off chance you ever come across a genie in a bottle.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wash Away Your Sin Soap


These may not be such a joke item after all. At least not according to THIS Science article that talks about a study into the intrinsic connection between cleanliness and morality. It's got an interesting concept and really interesting results. Apparently, after telling a story about an unethical act they committed, half of the subjects were allowed to wipe their hands with an antiseptic wipe, the other half didn't. They were then asked to volunteer to help out a desperate grad student (aren't we all desperate, though?). 74% of those who didn't get to wipe their hands volunteered, but only 41% of those who did wipe their hands volunteered.

So I guess the moral of this story for us desperate grad students is to hope that the funding agencies hire people with less than desirable hygiene skills.

Thanks to the blog Not Exactly Rocket Science.

New profession


I've decided to give up school and go apprentice with a tyromancer. I would imagine there should be plenty of them out in the midwest. Its either that or perhayps gyromancy, I could be good at that.

For other interesting careers in the future (hahaha) check THIS page out.

Apologies for the bad pun. I wonder if there's some form of divination using puns, maybe I should try that instead of tyromancy. Punnymancy?