A surprisingly uplifting program on the need to accept failure in order to succeed and innovate Link to transcript/ download audio. A little long to read but quite interesting, did you know that the name WD40 stands for 'water displacement' and the 40 for the fact that it was the 40th formulation that finally worked. I'm a big fan of this podcast
Ockham's Razor, though it can be a little off the wall sometimes.
There's a paragraph in this one on the increasing fear and intolerance of failure in scientific institutions due to the competition for funding.
And a couple of quotes that may become a new signature for me...
"Henry Ford put it, 'Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently'."
and "Edison who said, 'I have never failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.'"
Now I just have to keep this in mind when everything goes horribly wrong during my experiment tomorrow.