Friday, April 27, 2007

A few from the onion

  1. Urban Planner Caught in Traffic Jam of Own Creation
  2. Igloo Envy
  3. Sheryqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwql's Male 12 year old alter ego excels at disection
  4. Celebrate Earth Day


lee said...

i haven't read these yet, but you have to take that name out of the title in #3. Otherwise you're completely blowing carrot-girl's cover. She's trying to be covert and not allow others to google her name, her cat's name, and our address all together and thereby stalk her here.

lee said...


Sheyl said...

I hate you all!!!! You just called me slightly musty smelling, said that I have dandruff. And they were killing frogs people, think about the frogs!!! I'm going to go cry in my darkened corner now.

lee said...

i still haven't read the article. i'm sorry carrot-woman. i still love you. even if you hate me. i will still love you.
(and in truth i know that hate is just a malformed manifestation of love, so i will take your hate with a grain of love-salt.)