Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My list of 830 and growing places to see before I die. I have to live to 200.

You'll note Grand Central Station didn't make the list ;)


Owen said...

Grand Central has some pretty awesome archetecture and some great history. Since it was refurbished in the late 1990's it's really something to see.

Sheyl said...

I have seen it, not impressed :P

lee said...

oh get off your high horse you new york hater.

Sheyl said...

They compared grand central station to the ancient egyptian pyrimids, I am outraged and horrified and will remain firmly on my high horse thank you very much.
Plus I've bonded with him, I've named him Donatello, and he would be very sad if I left him, he likes baby carrots :)

lee said...

i like horses too. and ponies too.