According to Sarah Palin we're neighbors with Afghanistan.
News to me, though I suppose my geography skills have always been a little off. I mean, when I first heard that Sarah Palin was citing Alaska's shared border with Russia for her foreign policy experience, I thought "hey, we don't share a border with Russia. Canada, yes, Mexico, yes. Russia? Really?" And then I got out a map in which I discovered - hey, look at that, Russia is kinda next to Alaska. I mean, there's water in between the two, but they are really close. Most of the time maps will show the Atlantic Ocean as center, so North America and the Asian continent are on opposite sides of the map, but really, they aren't that far.
But I was pretty sure that Afghanistan wasn't anywhere close to sharing even a maritime border with us. But hey, what do I know.
HERE is an awesome map trying to help narrow down what Palin may have meant. Now, normally I avoid comments on blogs and articles like the plague, but some of the comments to that blog entry are pretty funny. I particularly like #3.
Also by the same blogger,
HERE is another map trying to help decode the Republican version of geography.
Seriously, sometimes it seems like the Republicans live in an entirely different world, if not universe, from the rest of us.