Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Candy corn poll

I feel personally affronted by the candy corn poll. I'm not sure who added "regular candy corn" to our white board survey, but the option is ridiculous. No one in their right mind would chose any of the alternatives over the original. The poll was to decide, which of the crappy replacements was worse/better. I am personally disappointed about the new poll and subsequent ballot stuffing.


Sheyl said...

I take responsiblity for adding the normal candy corn option, however I had no part in the ballot stuffing. I blame the gnomes. Before the option was added however it was 2 for caramel, 1 for chocolate-caramel, and 1 abstain.

Owen said...

You can't abstain from candy corn!

lee said...

i'm abstaining if the fruit flies are pooping on it.

Ruth said...

I was the house gnome/fruit fly intermediary in the voting for original candy corn. Some may call it voter fraud, I call it mobilization of an otherwise voiceless segment of the household.

The fruit fly contingent tells me that there was no pooping on candy corn involved and that if there were any pooping going on, it would be on inferior candy corn only (plus the regular fruit poop itinerary, but that was a given).

And there is such a thing as abstention from crappy candy corn flavors. I refuse to vote for any species of candy corn other than the original. If I don't like either of the candidates, I'm entirely within my rights not to have to vote for either of them.