Sunday, October 5, 2008

Please someone blindfold me for the next month...

I made the mistake of reading political news today.

"Palin makes Obama terrorist claim"

The gist being that Obamo served on a charity group board that also contained Bill Ayers as memeber who during the 60's founded a violent anti-Vietnam group called Weather Underground.

Let's ignore the fact that Obama was 8 when that group was active why don't we.

This woman makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out, as do some of the comments after the second article...


Ruth said...

And here I thought Weather Underground was just a weather website.

Agreed on Ms. Evil - she terrifies me. And what is even more terrifying is that there are people out there who actually listen to her and believe the vile, evil lies she spews.

Ruth said...

I'd also add earplugs to your blindfold plan.

lee said...

i don't think she's evil. to be honest, i just don't think she's that smart, and so she just sort of says and does what she is told. sort of like our current president. of course, we all know what kind of trouble that gets us into...

lee said...

that's not to say that i'm smarter, or that i have any idea what it's like to be in the shoes of any of the politicians in the race right now. i'm sure it's hard as hell, but i also don't think i would accept the nomination...